Saturday, 11 September 2010

God and Hedgehogs

You'd think hedgehogs would be depressed about their lot in life. Their simple habit of running around happily, then getting run over on the bypass, should leave them wondering.  Or at least avoiding roads. And yet they don't.

This is down to a deep-lying belief in fate. To a hedgehog, if one of their mates ends up squashed in the road, that's just the way it is. "It was meant to be" is a hedgehog prayer - their reaction to every failed road-crossing or the unwrapping of a friend by a badger. Which means that their equanimity is matched only by their lack of precautionary action.

If we were like hedgehogs then that's the way we'd be. As yet another disaster unfolded we'd shrug. As a friend or colleague or family member headed hellwards we'd just shrug our shoulders and assume that's the way it is.

What I'm saying is, if hedgehogs were humans they'd not be turning the house over to find one coin when they had nine perfectly good ones at home. And they'd just leave the hundredth sheep to wander across the ring-road, quietly confident that, should it collide with one of Mr Stobart's lorries then it was meant to be.

So just hope God's not a hedgehog, that's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

  1. If hedgehogs were humans, there'd be no wars in Winter time; although what would hedgehog hell look like, full of badgers probably, but then what did the badgers do wrong?
