Somebody has thrown a bike frame in the brook.
The rabbits are confused. Mostly they're quite sympathetic towards cyclists. On the principle that the enemy of their enemy is a friend, anyone that has to fear cars and lorries as much as the average cyclist must be in some spiritual way a friend of the rabbits, hedgehogs and pheasants. In the same way that foxes must be friends of lorries - although this is occasionally proven wrong in a blue-on-blue episode of vulpicide.
Bicycles don't pollute. They leave us fresh air. They don't dump heavy metals on the road. They're quiet. So why has a cyclist chosen to pollute the brook? Nobody can understand it. Sure, we're all used to stuff getting thrown in the brook, or otherwise littering the woods. Lager cans, ciger bottles, used prophylactics - all of these can be found laying around the place. Especially the latter, the spinney being in reasonable proximity to civilisation and yet secluded enough for a romantic liaison.
Now if the average human being had a cycle frame to dispose of, it would be a simple matter to shove it in the back of some car and nip round to the local rubbish dump - or, as modern parlance would have it, "recycling centre". To drag it across a field, over a fence, into a dark wood - for presumably one would not do this in daylight - and then to put it in a brook would presumably require greater effort. So why would you bother?
Always seems to be the way with humans. You can do something a way that makes sense, a good way, a way that might make the world better. And yet against all possible sense, you actually go out of your way to make it worse. One might instance the programme "Family Fortunes". It was bad enough with real people. But then somebody thought that wasn't all they could do with it. They called in "All Star Family Fortunes", and invited Brian Blessed onto it. Thus spending good money on making a bad product worse. I guess that's maybe what the Garden of Eden tells us. There's no situation so good that, given a little wit and ingenuity and a bit of effort, a human being can't cock it up.
Brian Blessed should have confined himself to being Tiberius and Tiberius was exactly the kind of person to have a bicycle thrown in a brook. I do hope, Mr Vole, that some do-gooder like Big Sister comes along and removes it. She and others of her ilk clean up beaches every now and then so it might be possible to prevail upon her to move on to brooks.
ReplyDeleteSome people are just antisocial; it's a statistical thing.